"No Surprises" by Radiohead seems to encapsulate this blog post you lucky people!
A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silent, silent
This is my final fit, my final bellyache with
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises please
Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises please (let me out of here)
This could all change if proposed NHS reforms are implemented and GPs
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silent, silent
This is my final fit, my final bellyache with
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises please
Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises please (let me out of here)
This blog post is a continuation from the events outlined in my previous post I Should Have Known....
As soon as I got home from seeing the Endocrinologist I made an appointment to see my Doctor.
I wanted to discuss, as a matter of urgency, the whole Neurologist angle. It transpired that there really were....
No Surprises.
I dove right in and asked about the letter from the Endocrinologist that was sent after my April appointment that had suggested I be referred to a Neurologist.
To which my Doctor replied, verbatim; "we thought we would wait until you next came in to discuss it".
No Surprises.
Anyway, I thought.... we????
What, like the fucking Royal we?!?!
Nevermind, it was obvious that my Doctor did not feel this was urgent enough to interrupt my suffering!
No Surprises.
What followed was another example of, well, you work it out....
My Doctor had already received a letter from the Endocrinologist providing an update from my appointment only two days before.
Fair play Endo., points for being prompt in providing details of your incompetence.
The Endocrinologist now wants to refer me to a Rheumatologist!
A Rheumatologist!!!!.... I shit you not!
Have you heard the one about the Endocrinologist, the Neurologist and the Rheumatologist?
They walk into a Gynaecologist's office.... who says.... "what are you cunts doing here?!"
No?.... Not quite?.... There is a joke in there somewhere, I know it!
Who knows, the Endocrinologist is likely to refer me to a Gynaecologist next! *winks*
No Surprises.
Back to my Doctor's appointment. He said; "well the Endocrinologist doesn't think it's your thyroid".
No shit Sherlock!
No Surprises.
I then proceeded to run through my Endocrinologist's appointment from my point of view.
One area of concern is my high blood pressure. Every time it is taken it is high. My Doctor said that although not ideal it does not require medicating and is not a priority at the moment. I asked if I should be concerned and my Doctor said no.
Every time I go to the hospital a nurse weighs me, and every time I am heavier than before!
No Surprises.
It sucks!.... I am now 135kg!.... don't even go there!
I am confident that when my Hypothyroidism is being treated effectively these two areas of concern will be improved upon with my continued discipline and exercise!
It's the simple things I miss the most.... like being able to exercise without it taking weeks to recover.... after a few years it puts you off even trying.... believe me!
I disgust myself at times!
My line in the sand always used to be.... keep my weight below 100kg.... now?.... don't make me laugh!
The weight gain is SO cruel.... huffing, puffing, sweating.... all the while bloating, retaining(?), constipating....
No Surprises
Did I mention?.... I disgust myself at times!
No Surprises.
With the hors d'oeuvres (as Del Boy would say! *winks*) out of the way I moved in and began my sales pitch for Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT).
I struggle to differentiate confidence from arrogance.... I know.... what gives?
Anyway, I nailed the sales pitch for NDT as best I could in the circumstances.... yay!
I hit all my marks....
- why a Reverse T3 test would prove if the T3 my body is producing is pooling in it's inactive form in my bloodstream!
- how I had been a good boy and done it the NHS way for eight years despite feeling very poorly!
- how the Endocrinologist had reneged on an agreement to prescribe NDT if there was no improvement in my symptoms!
- how I had informed myself of the facts. And that NDT can be prescribed on the NHS!
I had taken notes with me that detailed where I had obtained my information from regarding prescribing NDT.
I had also included my proposed timetable for the transition from synthetic T4 (levothyroxine) to natural T4/T3 combined therapy (NDT).
My Doctor could see I had brought my A-game with me and was not going to be fobbed of no more!
A little background for those of you not familiar with the healthcare system in the UK....
Healthcare is provided free at the point of delivery by the NHS (National Health Service) which is funded by the taxpayer.
Private healthcare is available to those who can afford it.
No Surprises.
Currently the purse-strings of my Doctor are controlled by the local PCT (Primary Care Trust).
This arrangement has become known as the post-code lottery. Depending on where you live the medication available to you may differ. This has received widespread media coverage whenever the media feel there has been an injustice. And there have been some truly heart-breaking stories.
This could all change if proposed NHS reforms are implemented and GPs
Anyway, my Doctor asked if I would leave my notes with him, and told me he will write to the PCT to see if they will fund NDT!
This is a result!
A necessary step in the right direction.
I am nothing if not realistic.... so I am not getting my hopes up.
No Surprises.
The ace up my sleeve is the one where my Doctor can still prescribe NDT without funding from the PCT if I am able to pay for the medication. Approximate cost £50 for three months in the first instance and then once a stable dose is reached the cost should be about £25 every three months (because, for example, instead of separate half grain and one grain I can replace them with one and a half grain).
In all the excitement I did not come away with copies of the letters from my Endocrinologist for the April and June appointments but this can be easily rectified.
I have asked for a copy of my Doctors letter to the PCT and their written response.
If at the end of this part of my journey towards improved health I am refused treatment with NDT I want it categorically in writing.
I have noticed that if you keep requesting copies of letters and decisions in writing it makes health professionals uncomfortable.... no bad thing after what I have been through! *winks*
No Surprises.
My Doctor has asked me to give it three weeks for the machinations of bureaucracy to move. The similarities between this situation and my bowels has not gone unnoticed!
No Surprises.
Still no "movement" on a RT3 blood test.... if it becomes necessary I will get this refusal in writing too!
No Surprises.
The disgust I felt after my appointment at the Endocrinologist served to fire up my adrenals.... I think.... as I was able to end up having a productive week!
I am feeling it now though.... a #zombieday has turned into a #zombieweekend.... I've been here before so it holds no fear for me anymore....
No Surprises.
Remember.... for as long as we have hope we have a chance.
nb. I have re-read this post again the morning after the night before. I can tell that it was written under the influence of brain-fog. Can you? I will leave it as is, even though I'm not too happy with how it flows.
nb. I have re-read this post again the morning after the night before. I can tell that it was written under the influence of brain-fog. Can you? I will leave it as is, even though I'm not too happy with how it flows.