Tuesday, 13 September 2011


It occurred to me today that there is something about me that I haven't mentioned in a while.

Those of you who have followed my blog (aka tale of woe) from the beginning will be all too familiar with it.... that's right.... it's time to talk about my.... "all together now"....


It still impacts on my life every.... single.... day!

I learnt the other day, at my meeting with my Project Worker from Mind (www.mind.org.uk), a mental health charity, that the correct term to use is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), see wikipedia page for BPD.

I felt that "extremist" was for want of a better word, well, extreme! But "borderline" implies that you are on your way to having a personality disorder but have not quite been accepted into the club just yet!

Is it any wonder I'm fucked up?!?!

From the wikipedia page for BPD there appears to be some consensus towards changing the wording of this disorder to Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. To me "emotionally unstable" implies one may be prone to violent outbursts, so this doesn't fit me either.

I digress, it is but a label.

Anyway, I wanted to try to explain how this impacts on my blog, my email correspondence with friends and even my "social networking".

It all hinges on the all or nothing thought processes that have become who I am (black or white thinking, NO grey!). You see, if I feel I can't do my very best and ultimately do myself justice (my perceived justice), I do not blog, email or interact online.

I am constantly working to address this and have blogged when less than happy with the result, sometimes even including some sort of disclaimer regarding how I'm not happy with the standard of writing etc.

With email correspondence it is even worse. I have the irrational fear of being judged by my peers and consequently their interaction with me must only be on my terms when I am again at my perceived best. Like I say, irrational, right?!?!

Running with this thought process for a moment it is clear that I have trust issues too. Why do I not trust my friends to understand that I may not always be at my best.

Is it because I fear they will no longer want to be my friend?

RHETORICAL ????    !!!!

Of course it is!

Still running.... furthermore, I hope that friends will appreciate a certain charm when my communication is a little bit clumsy. But I have not had the confidence to push this particular envelope thus far.

I have been told that my writing style (prose?) is appreciated and my musings enjoyed so why is this not enough. Self esteem issues, a lack of self worth? Yes and yes!

I think it's time for a favourite mantra of mine.... it is easy to talk the talk but much more difficult to walk the walk!

Or, do as I say not as I do.... espoused by all our favourite dictators/politicians/celebrities!

I can guess what you are thinking (ego alarm bells ringing!).... with this level of enlightenment and awareness surely salvation awaits *winks*

You would think so.

I want to try.

The friendships I have made on what is evidently to be my lifelong thyroid journey deserve nothing less. It is the shared understanding that has been so welcome, I just need to extend this courtesy to you, the readers of my blog, and my friends.

I need to try.

From a selfish perspective I think my blog will be better for it in a historical context if I am able to post in all weathers.

I will try.

I am but a work in progress on this journey that is my life.... and you lucky lucky people get to share in it!

"You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived.
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you."

Without fear how can we ever be brave?

Remember, for as long as we have hope we have a chance.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Gluten Free Baby, Yeah!....

....in my very best Austin Powers voice!

I mentioned it as a footnote in my last post, the fact that I had been on a gluten free diet. It continues to be a revelation of sorts, in a good way. It has now been 4 weeks and I'd like to share a little more detail of this development with you.

I had been having a rough spell, during which times I withdraw from society and become a complete recluse. After a week or so of living on what I had in the cupboard I noticed my digestive comfort had improved and on reflection realised that I had in fact, inadvertently, been eating a gluten free diet.

When you are living with a chronic illness, any changes for better or worse are poured over in minute detail, almost obsessively. What do I mean almost obsessively?! It was obsessively OK!

Gluten free had been on my radar before. When you are looking for answers you come across all sorts of information whilst researching online. I have my own rule where I only ever try to make one change at a time, otherwise how can I be sure what it is that is making me feel better or worse? This takes time and incredible patience, something all of us in the online thyroid support community have in abundance, even if it doesn't always feel this way.

Anyway, the next time I ventured out to the supermarket I made a decision to give this whole gluten free diet thing a go, for real. It is basically a lifestyle choice, with the pros and cons this inevitably involves, but it is a CHOICE. For me it appears that the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices.

The sacrifices.... I LOVE pasta and bread!.... I LOVE pastries, biscuits and cakes!.... BUT.... I LOVE my new and improved digestive comfort MORE!

Did I mention, I LOVE PASTA????!!!!

Did I mention, I LOVE PIZZA????!!!!

(more about gluten free alternatives another time)

Right, let's cut to the chase, my digestive comfort! Which I think we all know by now is my way to avoid mentioning bowel habits too many times in any one blog post!

A little history....

Since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism my bowel habits have gradually become more problematic. My bowels are a topic for discussion, instigated by me, EVERY time I see my Doctor. For the last five years I have been taking 1 or 2 sachets per day of MOVICOL, a prescription supplement produced as an "effective relief from constipation".

Had this relieved my symptoms? No, not really, I always felt bloated and uncomfortable. EVERY DAY!

My Doctor is aware of this and not once has food allergy/intolerance been discussed as a possible cause of my digestive problems. NOT ONCE!

Again it was me, whilst in the grip of a chronic illness, who had to be proactive!

This is not right! This is another example of a failure in the duty of my care by health professionals!


After two weeks following a gluten free diet I no longer needed to take the MOVICOL. My digestive transit times are now less than 24 hours instead of 2 to 3 days. I open my bowels once or twice a day (approximately 10 times a week) and it feels natural. In the immortal words of Alan Partridge my visits to the toilet are now "textbook"! Ha ha!

It tells you everything you need to know about me that I can be so excited about something "normal" people NEVER talk about. But I have suffered!

After five years of discomfort and worry in this one area of my health, to have it improve so dramatically is worth the sacrifice. It has to be. It is a no brainer!

I am also hopeful that with normal service resumed in the bowel habits department it might make it easier for me to leave the house without fear and anxiety and the resulting loss of control of my bowels (translation; shitting myself!). This I have discussed many times before in this blog (and to anyone who will listen! Ha ha!).

It is too early to tell if this lifestyle change has had the added benefit of weight loss. I will have to wait and see if my clothes start to fit better, which would be great!

I am still getting used to these changes but I really hope that in the not too distant future I am able to leave the house and go for a walk, then build up to longer walks, and then possibly even getting my push bike out!


I still believe, with every fibre of my being, that the best possible treatment of my hypothyroidism is still the key to unlocking my future wellbeing and happiness.

To recap; I have now been gluten free for 4 weeks. I have been caffeine free for 7 weeks. Also, it has now been 30 months since I quit smoking forever!

Yay! Go me!

BUT! I'm still fat as butter!

And I still have many untreated symptoms relating to my hypothyroidism.

C'est la vie!

But it is nice to be able to share news of progress with you my dear readers.


It is still happening but Mum did not want me sleeping on the couch! The box room (a 2.3m x 2.8m cell) is being cleared and a bed has been ordered and will be delivered in 2 to 3 weeks. Then it will be all change.

I have to keep reminding myself that this is a necessary move to make so that I can save a little money. Enough to see a private doctor and pay for my own medication if required.

All together now....

Remember, for as long as we have hope we have a chance.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

After The Storm....

Such a beautiful song, enjoy....

Mumford & Sons - After The Storm

Update: I have yet to move back home to live with my Mum and my Brother.

They are "not ready" for me!?!?

So it is likely to be another couple of days.


It is going to happen!

Decision made, end of story!

Funnily enough.... am I laughing?!?!.... since informing my Mum of my decision I have found some sort of peace with it all. And to be fair to my Mum she has always said that there is a bed for me at "home" if ever I needed it.

I will be on the couch until the box room is fixed up. Not ideal, but.... beggars can not be choosers.

It will be OK.

At some point since my last post I had an epiphany.... why have I been fighting so hard to keep my house during these difficult times?

The answer to this lies in my upbringing.... I think!?!?....

I grew up poor, not destitute, but poor. There was always food in my belly, clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. Typical working class really. Nothing at all to be ashamed of, in fact it's something to be extremely proud of.... childhood shapes us all and I am no different.

I had a happy childhood.

Yet, you see, it was a sign of social mobility for my parents generation to own their own home. I was raised in a Council House.... outdoor toilet, ice on the inside of windows and all that.... but my parents worked HARD and were eventually able to, in no small part thanks to Thatcher's government, buy their home from the Council. My Mum lives in this home, which has been modernised, to this very day.

So for me to leave full time education at 16 and make something of myself to the point where I could afford to buy my very own house was a BIG deal.

It was everything. My perceived success or failure depended on it!

Or so I thought.... until this week.

I realised I have been fighting tooth and nail to hold on to my home because I am afraid of what other people will think of me.... I know!

And this from someone who for as long as I can remember has tried to convince himself that he does not care what other people think of him.... I failed, despite deep down inside knowing I am a good man.

But you know what?!

I can tell you today.... for the first time in my life.... I do not care what others say or think about me.

It's about time I thought of me!

As I've mentioned before.... nearly all of my "friends" have vanished into the night anyway.... I am alone.... and lonely....

But I now have a clean slate.... and this is liberating.

Moving back home with Mum is a short term fix.... just how temporary only time will tell.... but I know for sure it will not be permanent.

The one thing it will allow me, is to concentrate on my health and see where that takes me. If my health improves as I hope.... which there is every chance it will.... I have every reason to be excited about the future.

If it does not then I will face it and deal with it.

I have likened my life now to finally playing the hand I have been dealt instead of trying to play the cards I wish I had been dealt. And you know what? There is much less resistance.

But why did I make the decisions I have made?

Pride? Stubbornness? Denial? Ego? Stupidity? Expectation?

Answers on a postcard!

Whatever, I need to walk with my head held high, not shuffling about staring at the ground!

This post has been me thinking aloud and writing it down.... it's a little bit jumbled.... but it's me.

I will always be me.

Hopefully in the future my writing will improve too. My prose is not flowing as I would like.... and my thought processes are jerky.... and my brain foggy!

In other news.... I have been caffeine free for more than 5 weeks, I am now stimulant free.

I have also been eating a gluten free diet for the last 2 weeks or so in an attempt to relieve my digestive discomfort. I am pleased to report that my bloated, distended belly is improving, as are my digestive transit times. I will persevere with this for a while longer before being able to accurately assess the impact of this dietary change.

I still intend to keep a journal/diary whilst living with Mum, and will try to post when I can.

Remember, for as long as we have hope we have a chance.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

The Perfect Storm....

First off; apologies for deserting my post all too often this year.

You all deserve so much better from me.

I am sorry.

I have had to try to face up to the reality of my life more and more recently. I can put it off no more; tomorrow I have to move back home and live with my Mum and my Brother.

I am devastated.

Who knew the past twelve years had just been purgatory. I now descend into hell....

For eternity?

I hope not.

I can no longer afford to live on my own on the Welfare Benefits the Government see fit to award me.

Simple as that. FACT.

The Government's desire to extinguish all hope and have me live in poverty in perpetuity is cruel. In another couple of years I will be useless to society, too far gone.

Only then will they be happy.

If they invested in me (short-term) rather than giving up on me (long-term) they would get excellent value for money. Instead the Government has become so short-sighted that they cannot see beyond the next Daily Mail (et al) headline depicting ALL Welfare Benefit claimants as some sort of human sub-species not fit to breathe the same air as the chattering middle classes!

However, if I was a single "mother" with a handful of children spawned by different "fathers" I would be loaded!

Go figure.


My financial predicament combined with my chronic ill health is truly a vicious circle.

I do not have the strength to fight any more at the moment.

I am not well.

I need to ask for help but I am afraid that if I do it will fall short of what I need.

I need to be rescued.

I wish there was a rehabilitation retreat for those of us with fucked up thyroids who have reached the end of their tether.

I picture a simple place by the beach where it's a short drive into a small coastal town. And best of all there will be a Doctors Surgery containing the kind of doctors we all deserve.

Good company, great food, inspiring workshops, glorious music, writing, and books. Long long walks when I'm up to it. A place where winter is as beautiful as summer.


Me? A romantic?

Why of course!

Perhaps I should set up a place like this.... it's an idea for when I get well.

I could run my operation for improved diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease by "health professionals" from there.

I will give my life to taking on the big pharmaceuticals and changing government policies. My analytical and organisational skills will be best served in that direction.

Anyway, we already have "angels" who selflessly give their lives to patient advocacy. There are many advocates out there, but the one that fate would happen to lead me to was Mary J. Shomon, my very own "silver lining", who it is an honour to call my friend.

Don't I go on?!

Anyway, to be financially viable (grown up words!) it would have to be in the US. Would they have me? How will I get in?

Where is the most beautiful place to live, on the coast, in the US, where you get to experience all four seasons? North California (San Francisco)? Virginia? Long Island? Rhode Island? New Hampshire?

Build it and they will come....

I would love to "go away" to a place like this for as long as necessary to get the help and treatment I need....

"HypoMan, a man barely alive.
Ladies and gentlemen, we can rebuild him.
We have the technology.
We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man.
HypoMan will be that man.
Better than he was before.
Better.... stronger.... faster." - The Six Million Dollar Man.

That was the 1970's. Why six? What price now?

That's my dream anyway.

*slaps face.... hard*

Back to reality!

I hope, in time, I will be able to make progress. It is just that I am faced with a huge adjustment to make and I am not sure how it is going to pan out.

It will take time.

Will you give me time?

It will take patience.

I have the patience of a saint.

I need to provide my Doctor with a "dossier" to support my argument for a trial of Natural Dessicated Thyroid (NDT).

I have researched and located freely available evidence published on the Internet by the NHS that documents that the NHS issued 1,700 prescriptions for Armour in 2010. FACT.

I have many other documents bookmarked on my laptop.

I have no printer and my laptop is doing a better job than me of stringing out it's death throes. Worse still at my Mum's I will have NO access to the Internet. I do not have a fancy "smart" phone, as the name suggests; not at all suitable for me!

I do not expect to be prescribed Armour even when I provide my "dossier", and it is this pessimism that is preventing me from going to see my Doctor. Procrastination I think it's called, right Katie?

I detest confrontation. "Thyroid Me" is a coward and not assertive.

I am afraid what my response will be to yet another rejection in the face of compelling evidence.

I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if Armour did not work for me and I requested another brand of NDT.... or whisper it.... the subject of adrenal exhaustion/fatigue.

I am full of anger.

Am I going mad? As that is surely what the NHS would have me believe.

I am full of frustration.

I am lashing out at "society".... when will I learn.... it is unproductive and ultimately futile.

I am full of self-pity.... have you noticed?

Quite a catch!

Moving back home is going to be miserable. I love my Mum dearly, but me and my Brother do not get on.

Back to my small childhood home, a place where there is no escaping each other, and where it is what is not said that is deafening.

Like I say; welcome to hell!

Try to be positive....

I hope to be able to save enough money over the next few years to see a private Doctor and if need be pay for the necessary blood tests (Reverse T3) and medication (NDT).

Am I living in denial?

I cling to the hope that I can lead a "normal" life in the future. By that I mean a job, a relationship, children, a home, a social life, a holiday....

Is this unrealistic?

Am I asking too much?

How have I become brainwashed into desiring, no, lusting after, the consumerist dream outlined in the glossy magazines and every fucking advert you see?!

It will not make me happy!

So why am I finding it so hard to let go?

What is it that I fear?

So many questions, so little time already!

All I do know is that for the foreseeable future I'm going to be off the reservation. I will try to keep in touch. I just do not know how things are going to work out.

I am thinking of keeping a journal/diary.... just snippets of me.... if I achieve this I will try to type them up and post them when I can.

No promises.

It is now that I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being here for me (and if there is a philanthropist amongst you don't be shy *winks*). You are all my comfort blanket, whether you read this blog, follow me on twitter or facebook, I am indeed a rich man to have you all in my life. I will never forget. Thank you for sharing in my story. I have kept, and treasure, all your comments. You have taught me so much. Thank you.

Don't hold back, feel the love.

"I am just going outside and may be some time" - Oates to Scott.

Wish me luck.

Remember, for as long as we have hope we have a chance.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

No Surprises....

You know the drill....

"No Surprises" by Radiohead seems to encapsulate this blog post you lucky people!

A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal

You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide

No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silent, silent

This is my final fit, my final bellyache with

No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises please

Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden

No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises please (let me out of here)

This blog post is a continuation from the events outlined in my previous post I Should Have Known....

As soon as I got home from seeing the Endocrinologist I made an appointment to see my Doctor.

I wanted to discuss, as a matter of urgency, the whole Neurologist angle. It transpired that there really were....

No Surprises.

I dove right in and asked about the letter from the Endocrinologist that was sent after my April appointment that had suggested I be referred to a Neurologist.

To which my Doctor replied, verbatim; "we thought we would wait until you next came in to discuss it".

No Surprises.

Anyway, I thought.... we????

What, like the fucking Royal we?!?!

Nevermind, it was obvious that my Doctor did not feel this was urgent enough to interrupt my suffering!

No Surprises.

What followed was another example of, well, you work it out....

My Doctor had already received a letter from the Endocrinologist providing an update from my appointment only two days before.

Fair play Endo., points for being prompt in providing details of your incompetence.

The Endocrinologist now wants to refer me to a Rheumatologist! 

A Rheumatologist!!!!.... I shit you not!

Have you heard the one about the Endocrinologist, the Neurologist and the Rheumatologist?


They walk into a Gynaecologist's office.... who says.... "what are you cunts doing here?!"

No?.... Not quite?.... There is a joke in there somewhere, I know it!

Who knows, the Endocrinologist is likely to refer me to a Gynaecologist next! *winks*

No Surprises.

Back to my Doctor's appointment. He said; "well the Endocrinologist doesn't think it's your thyroid".

No shit Sherlock!

No Surprises.

I then proceeded to run through my Endocrinologist's appointment from my point of view.

One area of concern is my high blood pressure. Every time it is taken it is high. My Doctor said that although not ideal it does not require medicating and is not a priority at the moment. I asked if I should be concerned and my Doctor said no.

Every time I go to the hospital a nurse weighs me, and every time I am heavier than before!

No Surprises.

It sucks!.... I am now 135kg!.... don't even go there!

I am confident that when my Hypothyroidism is being treated effectively these two areas of concern will be improved upon with my continued discipline and exercise!

It's the simple things I miss the most.... like being able to exercise without it taking weeks to recover.... after a few years it puts you off even trying.... believe me!

I disgust myself at times! 

My line in the sand always used to be.... keep my weight below 100kg.... now?.... don't make me laugh!

The weight gain is SO cruel.... huffing, puffing, sweating.... all the while bloating, retaining(?), constipating....

No Surprises

Did I mention?.... I disgust myself at times!

No Surprises.

With the hors d'oeuvres (as Del Boy would say! *winks*) out of the way I moved in and began my sales pitch for Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT).

I struggle to differentiate confidence from arrogance.... I know.... what gives?

Anyway, I nailed the sales pitch for NDT as best I could in the circumstances.... yay!

I hit all my marks.... 
  • why a Reverse T3 test would prove if the T3 my body is producing is pooling in it's inactive form in my bloodstream!
  • how I had been a good boy and done it the NHS way for eight years despite feeling very poorly!
  • how the Endocrinologist had reneged on an agreement to prescribe NDT if there was no improvement in my symptoms!
  • how I had informed myself of the facts. And that NDT can be prescribed on the NHS!
I had taken notes with me that detailed where I had obtained my information from regarding prescribing NDT.

I had also included my proposed timetable for the transition from synthetic T4 (levothyroxine) to natural T4/T3 combined therapy (NDT).

My Doctor could see I had brought my A-game with me and was not going to be fobbed of no more!


A little background for those of you not familiar with the healthcare system in the UK....

Healthcare is provided free at the point of delivery by the NHS (National Health Service) which is funded by the taxpayer.

Private healthcare is available to those who can afford it.

No Surprises.

Currently the purse-strings of my Doctor are controlled by the local PCT (Primary Care Trust).

This arrangement has become known as the post-code lottery. Depending on where you live the medication available to you may differ. This has received widespread media coverage whenever the media feel there has been an injustice. And there have been some truly heart-breaking stories.

This could all change if proposed NHS reforms are implemented and GPs

Anyway, my Doctor asked if I would leave my notes with him, and told me he will write to the PCT to see if they will fund NDT!

This is a result!

A necessary step in the right direction.

I am nothing if not realistic.... so I am not getting my hopes up.

No Surprises.

The ace up my sleeve is the one where my Doctor can still prescribe NDT without funding from the PCT if I am able to pay for the medication. Approximate cost £50 for three months in the first instance and then once a stable dose is reached the cost should be about £25 every three months (because, for example, instead of separate half grain and one grain I can replace them with one and a half grain).

In all the excitement I did not come away with copies of the letters from my Endocrinologist for the April and June appointments but this can be easily rectified.

I have asked for a copy of my Doctors letter to the PCT and their written response.

If at the end of this part of my journey towards improved health I am refused treatment with NDT I want it categorically in writing.

I have noticed that if you keep requesting copies of letters and decisions in writing it makes health professionals uncomfortable.... no bad thing after what I have been through! *winks*

No Surprises.

My Doctor has asked me to give it three weeks for the machinations of bureaucracy to move. The similarities between this situation and my bowels has not gone unnoticed!

No Surprises.

Still no "movement" on a RT3 blood test.... if it becomes necessary I will get this refusal in writing too!

No Surprises.

The disgust I felt after my appointment at the Endocrinologist served to fire up my adrenals.... I think.... as I was able to end up having a productive week!

I am feeling it now though.... a #zombieday has turned into a #zombieweekend.... I've been here before so it holds no fear for me anymore....

No Surprises.

Remember.... for as long as we have hope we have a chance.

nb. I have re-read this post again the morning after the night before. I can tell that it was written under the influence of brain-fog. Can you? I will leave it as is, even though I'm not too happy with how it flows.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

I Should Have Known....

Indulge me for a moment please.

And all will become clear....

This is a fantastic song "I Should Have Known" taken from the brand new Foo Fighters album, Wasting Light.

You will be rewarded if you listen to it.... it might even help you get through this blog post *winks*

I should have known,
That it would end this way,
I should have known,
There was no other way,
Didn't hear your warning,
Damn my heart gone deaf.

I should have known,
Look at the shape you're in,
I should have known,
But I dove right in,
One thing is for certain,
As I'm standing here,
I should have known.

Lay your hands in mine,
Heal me one last time,
Though I cannot forgive you yet,
No I cannot forgive you yet,
You leave my heart in debt,

I should have known,
I was inside of you,
I should have known,
There was that side of you,
Came without a warning,
Caught me on a web,
I should have known,
I've been here before,
I should have known,
Don't want it anymore,
One thing is for certain,
I'm still standing here,
I should have known.

Lay your hands in mine,
Feel me one last time,
Though I cannot forgive you yet,
No I cannot forgive you yet,
You leave my heart in debt
No I cannot forgive you yet
No I cannot forgive you yet
You leave my heart in debt
I should have known

Maybe you was right,
Didn't wanna fight,
I should have known,
Couldn't read the signs,
Couldn't see the light,
I should have known,
Though I cannot forgive you yet,
Though I cannot forgive you yet,
You leave my heart in debt,
No I could not forgive you yet,
No I could not forgive you yet,
You leave my heart in debt,
No I cannot forgive you yet,
No I cannot forgive you yet,
You leave us all in debt,
I should have known.

The beauty in songwriting (and poetry), in my humble opinion, is that it is personal to the individual listener (reader). 

For me the same song can touch my heart in so many different ways depending on what I am feeling at that particular moment. It can be profound, throw-away, and everything in between.

Dissecting the lyrics (words) in an academic manner does not "float my boat". I want to feel.

The song's or poem's structure can be examined. But the author is the only one who truly knows what "it" means.

For us mere mortals?

I take from it what I feel.

Don't I go on sometimes *winks*....

Back to the business in hand.

I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist yesterday....

It was an unmitigated disaster!

While the feelings were very raw I fired off a couple of "cunts" in my "tweets"!

I apologise if anyone was offended.

Did it help? Yes and no. My mind was still racing which prevented me from having a decent night's sleep. But I never have a "decent night's sleep" anyway.

All that was left was the satisfaction of swearing.... *makes sign of the cross on chest and looks to the heavens*.... which I am quite partial to at times.... and yes, whisper it.... I would even go so far as to say I enjoy it!

Stop waffling and get on with it!

Right, the match report from yesterday with a little bit of history and context....

Still waffling....

At my previous appointment with my Endocrinologist in April I was told that if there was no improvement in my well-being and that my blood tests were still in the "normal" range I would be prescribed natural desiccated thyroid (NDT).

I Should Have Known.

This was a massive step forward for me in my treatment. I have walked the walk, like a good little boy, the way the National Health Service (NHS) has wanted me to for 8 years. That's right. EIGHT YEARS!!!!

I have played their game.

I Should Have Known.

Taking Levothyroxine (synthetic T4) every day, EVERY DAY!!!! Blood has been taken more times than I care to remember, dosages have been tweaked, and I continue to feel just awful.

I Should Have Known.

The one thing that has remained consistent in all this time?

I have been ignored, and any of my suggestions dismissed, by every health professional I have encountered.

A damning indictment of the NHS today!

I Should Have Known.

I have been made to feel like a second class citizen.


So forgive me but I am beginning to feel a little aggrieved!

I Should Have Known.

So for the two months since my last Endocrinologist's appointment I have continued to feel really quite awful. But I have had the spectre of hope with me that if I can just carry on for a while longer a really big step forward awaits. Not the answer, just a step forward.

I Should Have Known.

If my experience has taught me anything it is to keep my expectations in check. So I shuffled off to see the Endocrinologist....

I Should Have Known.

We started by evaluating the results from the blood taken on Monday after being on 150mcg for ten weeks ("Teva" Levothyroxine)....

TSH 2.8
FT4 18.4
FT3 5.1 

No surprises, they we all within "normal" ranges.

I Should Have Known.

What followed was the "normal" back and forth of me asking for a Reverse T3 (RT3) blood test to determine if the T3 hormone is "pooling" in my bloodstream in it's inactive form.

My questioning of what exactly "normal" means seeing as it is so subjective.

My willingness to try adding synthetic T3 to my medication or preferably giving NDT a go for a trial period.

I Should Have Known.

My Endocrinologist responds with the opinion that there is no need to test my RT3 as my FT3 results show that my body is producing and converting T3 just fine.

Also that synthetic T3 is "dangerous" and only used as a last resort..... basically I need to be in a coma!

My blood test results are used to support the argument of my Endocrinologist.... sometimes their accuracy.... status quo.... sometimes their inaccuracy.... T3/NDT.... 

Contradictions that have NEVER escaped me!

I Should Have Known

He reverted back to stating that NDT is also "inconsistent" and therefore dangerous because of this and that it is not prescribed by the NHS for this reason.

I reply that there are patients who are prescribed NDT by the NHS. His retort; "I see more thyroid patients than you so you are wrong." They all have my deepest sympathies!

I Should Have Known.

You may have missed it amongst my brilliant writing *winks* so let me repeat....

In April I was told that NDT would be prescribed if there was no improvement in my condition.... thereby giving me HOPE!

In June I was told that the NHS do not prescribe NDT yadda yadda yadda.... wrong wrong wrong!

So correct me if I am wrong.... I WAS LIED TO!

To placate me?

To shut me up?

To insult me?

To be so arrogant as to assume to be "better" than me?

NO, NO, NO, and NO!!!!

I Should Have Known.

If you no longer respect someone what do you do?

I bit my tongue, rocked in my chair to control the rage I felt, and managed to walk away....

Another appointment has been scheduled for 6 months time.

I Should Have Known.

You think that was bad well here's is a real doozy.... verbatim....

"I am afraid you have become fixated on T3/natural thyroid which is not the answer."

Fixated. FIXATED.

From my dictionary.... fixation n. preoccupation, obsession. fixated adj. obsessed.

Kudos for a good word. But it is hardly a compliment!

I Should Have Known

But I have to hold my hands up here.... it is true. I have become fixated on NDT.... but not for the reasons imagined by the Endocrinologist.... but because it is the next thing I need to try to get my life back!

To me this is a positive. Not the cowardly insult my Endocrinologist intended.

I Should Have Known.

Let me step back for a moment....

I understand that there are many thousands of members of the "hood" (brothers and sisters.... mainly sisters!) for whom synthetic T4 replacement therapy works just fine and they get their life back 

Conversely there are a significant number of us for whom the hard line, inflexible, approach of the professional endocrine community just does not work.

But I am suffering.

We have all suffered. You will get no "point scoring" from me.

This is my life.

We all have a life we deserve to live.

My story.

We all have a story to tell.

I repeat.... I have done it the NHS way for EIGHT YEARS!

And it is not working for ME!

It is time I took a leaf out of Frank Sinatra's songbook and "did it my way".

If only it were that easy!

I Should Have Known.

Right, the last part of my appointment yesterday....

My Endocrinologist told me that the letter to my Doctor after my April appointment suggested that I be referred to a Neurologist.


Neurologist! What the fuck!!!!

Now, correct me if I am wrong.... again *winks*....

But would you expect your Doctor to ask to see you, or at least inform you, that a specialist had recommended you be referred to a Neurologist!

This tossed.... like confetti into the air.... has resulted in many thoughts and questions that I am still grappling with.

I have made an appointment to see my Doctor on Friday.... should be interesting.

Do I now have an even bigger problem with my Doctor?

I Should Have Known.

So I need to get copies of the letters from my Endocrinologist to my Doctor.

Discuss the Neurologist angle and it's implications.

Ask my Doctor to prescribe NDT as my Endocrinologist refuses to do so. The Endo told me to ask my Doctor for this.... I suspect to keep me chasing my own tail for his pathetic amusement.

We all know it is possible for the NHS to prescribe NDT you just have to find a "caring" health professional!

Why is this so hard?

You know me.... the irony is always intentional! *chuckles*

I Should Have Known.

For as long as we have hope we have a chance.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Ramble On & On....

You see what happens?!?!

I was not, and I am still not, happy with my previous blog post.

My brain seems to be short-circuiting and I am unable to convey the message I would like in my writing.

Now, having a perfectionist trait makes this difficult for me but I will leave it out there in the interests of the "bigger picture".

My reason for doing so was my need to let you know that I'm still here.... selfish?.... moi?

One day I will wonder what all the fuss was about and be proud that I "let it all hang out".

I'm not there yet so.... *suck it up big boy!*

In the midst of this imagined chaos I have made some progress....

But I didn't feel I could record these events and do them justice.... *get over yourself fat boy!*

Yes, well, easier said than done.

Progress, right....

I managed to make it to an appointment with my Endocrinologist in April (I think) when I was not feeling great at all.

I think this helped in a weird way because it must have been obvious to the Endo that I wasn't on terra firma.... I am a poorly boy.

My endo casually dropped into the conversation; "I can prescribe you Natural Desiccated Thyroid, let's see how your next blood tests are and we'll take it from there."

This contradicted previous statements made to my face, MY FACE.... but I remained "Kool and the Gang"....

The moment has passed but not been forgotten....

Can I carry a grudge?!?!


I need to arrange a blood test this week ahead of my appointment with my Endo next week.

The problem is I am feeling really shit at the moment. But....

This could be a defining moment in my journey to wellness....

I need this.

I want this.

I am hoping NDT will help me feel better day to day.

The Endo better come through on this.

My legendary patience (ennui) will assist me with this I'm sure.

It could be the answer, or, it may be one part of the answer....

But I will know.

I need to know.

I want you to know.

I want you to see the best of me.

You deserve nothing less.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Ramble On....


Where to start?

I've lost my creativity when it comes to writing/blogging. I've fallen off a cliff.

I hope you will indulge me and allow me to ramble on for a bit until the spark returns.

2011, what gives?

The days have become weeks, that have melted into months, and here we are it is June already!

I have not felt so unwell since the time I was on 200mcg of levothyroxine daily, the years 2003, 2004 & 2005.

It's hard to pinpoint any specific symptoms it is just the whole raft of thyroid shit that goes with being hypothyroid.

It sucks and society does not understand.

But you do.

I want society to acknowledge that my life is difficult and to give me a break.

Meanwhile in the real world this is not going to happen.

The media seem to portray all of us who rely on welfare benefits as having made a "lifestyle choice".

They use examples of abuse/fraud to tarnish us all.

I can't help but begin to feel guilty.

I should not have to feel this way.


I have enough to worry about without being made to feel guilty.

Fuck 'em!

I am not well.


I try to eat my main evening meal with my Mum and my Brother at my childhood home.

Recently (March, April, May) I was not even able to get out of the house to go to Mum's.

The drip drip effect of a poor diet and other things has impacted on my health.

I have been a proper recluse recently and it is a destructive pattern of behaviour for me to fall into.

Part of the puzzle is the impact of Government policy on my life.

They make life so difficult.

It will only get worse due to welfare benefits failing miserably to keep up with the cost of living of essential items like gas, electricity, petrol and food where inflation is soaring.

Broken record.

You would think that the Government would want to help me improve my quality of life.

Not live in poverty as I do now.

I know.



I am a hopeless romantic fool!

So I do what I do best and feel sorry for myself.


My confidence and self esteem are but a memory, like a washed out fading Polaroid.


Things that need to be done become huge obstacles that I believe are insurmountable, but at the same time I know are achievable if only I could have a little improvement in my health.

As I've mentioned before, my health has impacted on areas of my life that are slowly but inexorably deteriorating, while I battle to get a foothold towards a brighter future.

My house is mimicking me and slowly falling apart.

It has seen no investment for more than 11 years now.

Take my kitchen.

I have no cooker/oven, no microwave, my toaster broke earlier this year, leaving me with no way of cooking food.

I have no washing machine.

I do not have the means to replace these items.

It has now reached the point where I have a kettle and a fridge freezer.

Fuck it!

I'm bored of detailing the same old shit!

Nothing changes.

You get the picture.

Some lifestyle choice!

I so desperately want to be the best of me.


Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Accepting limitations....

.... we all have them.... some are transient.... others permanent.

I have had to accept one of mine.... which I hope is only temporary....

At this moment in time, March 2011, I am NOT well enough to go to London and watch Elbow in concert even though I have a ticket! This is the tour to promote their sumptuous new record "build a rocket boys!". Even though I want to go SO much that I am incapable of putting it into words. It's emotional. I do not like admitting defeat. I feel like I am letting a dear friend down. I worry that those around me will not understand. I do not like letting people down because I know how much it hurts me!

REWIND! Hang on a minute, did you just say you had a ticket to an Elbow gig?!?!

The story starts with the enlightenment of my senses upon discovering the music of the band Elbow.... who have been playing footsie with my eardrums ever since....

.... I dedicated a blog post to it here.... Giving me the Elbow.... where I professed my new found love.... or was I still in the throes of lust.... for Elbow's music.

A lot has happened since then.

My friend D managed to score a pair of tickets to the Elbow gig at the O2 Arena in London's Docklands.... the Millennium Dome in it's (not so) new guise.... At the time I thought that if I could continue to just make a little bit of progress I would be able to achieve my goal of attending this gig! This is NOT going to happen and I am devastated.

As you've probably guessed from the protracted silence of this blog.... I'm not having a great time of it at the moment.... to be honest, 2011 so far has passed in a blur of brain fog, bowel "inconsistencies", the ever present unrefreshing sleep, bad skin, low mood, frustration and finally acceptance of where I'm at!

I've looked back through the records I keep and it has become increasingly apparent that my current "wobbles" are in part caused by something as simple as different brands of Levothyroxine (synthetic T4). I keep saying how important this is to my Doctor and Pharmacist but they are not LISTENING to me! I get my prescription filled every four weeks and the mix of different brands over the last eight weeks has caused me problems. I know that I am most stable when all the different strengths of tablets I require are all "TEVA" not lucky-fucking-dip! I have been on all "TEVA" for seven days now and things are improving to a point where they are a little easier to cope with in the grand scheme of things.... NOT for one minute to be confused with feeling well!

I think I've stated before that bad days are my good days and really bad days are my bad days.... c'est la vie!

To give my situation an accurate perspective.... there have been bright points.... I feel a part of life again thanks to my friend D who has treated me to two outings to the local cinema.... to see The King's Speech and Paul.... eclectic I know, and both equally brilliant!

My online friends continue to embrace me as I embrace them which is SO refreshing! I am increasingly comfortable with my willingness to tell it "warts 'n' all" as part of my pledge to "keep it real"! This is evident in the extension of my ego to Twitter.... Hello tweeps.... and Facebook.... Hey facebook.... I "tweet" like I've got thousands of "followers".... not 13.... but I like this illusion of grandeur.... it acts as a form of escape for me.... and more importantly I enjoy it!

I got involved in the I Am The Face Of Thyroid Disease.... awareness month campaign and soaked up the momentary notoriety it afforded me from our online thyroid community. I keep saying.... to anyone who will listen.... it feels good to share.... that is why I blog.... I am SO selfless.... ooops.... my halo is slipping....

I have intermittently been enjoying listening to music again.... far more often than in previous years.... reading however, has been more of a struggle.... it's a concentration thing.... and I miss it.... escapism again....

I am now taking 10,000iu of VitaminD3 daily.... the Healthy Origins brand. I can feel the improvements in the background but they are struggling to be heard above the clatter and din of T4 not working.

My diet is always generally good.... but recently I've been SO good.... I get my five a day easily over the course of a week.... I have been drinking at least two litres of water per day for more than twelve years.... as well as tea and coffee.... I snack on fruit and nuts. My "treats", or weaknesses, however you choose to see it are.... a small amount of chocolate.... and a can of Diet Pepsi every day.

Now here's the nub of the matter....

The most significant developments of 2011 are in what I have NOT done.... I have NOT completed.... or even revisited.... the letter I had started to write to my Doctor.... Plan of Action: tentative first steps.... at the end of November 2010. This has to be done in order to get the ball rolling towards wellness!

Do I have to address my adrenals first? By taking synthetic T3 until I achieve Reverse T3 clearance before starting on Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) of which NatureThroid is my preferred choice.

To prove that I have adrenal and T3/Reverse T3 issues I need to convince my Doctor to do the necessary testing and to then pay for the required medication.... my choice.... those of you who are getting to know me can no doubt imagine how much fun I'm having putting obstacles in the way!

To satisfy my extremist personality traits.... I need to get all my ducks in a row

Note to self: REMEMBER.... baby steps!

In my moments of weakness and self loathing I hardly dare believe what so many of you have kindly told me.... that things can.... and will (?).... get SO much better.... I feel overwhelmed with the enormity of it all and come over all tremulous and peculiar!

My finances are still torturous.... I've had a gut full thinking.... ok, obsessing.... every waking fucking minute about them! There is no light at the end of that particular tunnel!

So here I am.... unable to attend the gig of my dreams.... I have to accept my current limitations.... the alternative is to continue to beat myself up over every perceived failing I have.... and let me tell you, I am battered and bruised on the inside.... but my underlying defiance surprises me every single day!

Where are you?

I have been left physically and emotionally drained by this blog post.... even a little teary.... but I will feel better for having shared.... or "confessed".... depending on how you look at it.

I need this now more than ever.... for as long as there is hope we have a chance.... hallelujah!!!!

Friday, 25 February 2011

Hey facebook....

facebook: who me?

me: yes you.

I have completed my quest to whore myself out to the social networking community.... I now have a facebook page.... http://www.facebook.com/pages/HypoMan.com.... I have had for a while actually.... but consider this official notice of it's launch....

Why now?.... well I have linked my twitter account to my facebook page so that my tweets appear as posts.... who's a clever boy then?....

It would be amazing if you could support me by "liking" my page.... you can always "hide" the page from your "news feed" if you find the banality of my "tweets" tiresome.... as if!

I'm sure there are people out there who only use facebook.... or only use twitter.... or just prefer the blog experience. I partake in all three.... consider it my purgatory.... and I have always been greedy.... does my delusion know no bounds?.... I now see myself as the James Bond of the online thyroid support community.... obviously not.... exactly.... just what I was thinking!

Check out the ego on me!.... all this new terminology.... listen to me.... how much more up myself can I get?.... plenty.... come on.... you know by now that one thing I love is.... a rhetorical question!

My objective is unflinching, and it is to direct people to this blog.... with the bigger picture being to do my bit to raise the awareness of Hypothyroidism in the public's consciousness.... piece of piss really!

I'm still in the middle of a "wobble" but I'm confident of recovering my equilibrium again soon....

For as long as there is hope we have a chance.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Hello tweeps....

Have you noticed?

Can you tell?

It's at the top of the left hand margin of this page....

Despite being in the middle of a "wobble" I am feeling pleased with myself....

1.... I reached a decision to use #twitter as a means of keeping my life story more immediate.

2.... having made this decision I managed to work out all by myself how to connect my #twitter account to my blog in the hope of making my life story more interactive for those who care to follow.

3.... my promise to you.... my blog will always come first.... it is my baby.... and I am enjoying watching it evolve and grow as my knowledge in turn evolves and grows.

Check out the ego on me!

This is a whole new voyage of discovery for me.... the #twittersphere if you like.... #tweets.... #tweeps.... #trending.... and.... #tagging.... which I am getting carried away with already.... or should that be.... ####!!!!

It's a work in progress.... let's see how it goes....

I've tweaked the appearance of my blog too.... obviously!.... this is all part of the evolution of the learning thing. I have discovered.... oh alright.... stumbled upon.... other blogs that look so cool.... to me anyway.... that I am now experiencing what can only be described as.... penis.... ooops.... blog envy!!!!

Seriously. There are some pretty cool blogs out there.... power to the bloggers amongst you! It has changed my life.... sharing.... and because you are here!


Thursday, 17 February 2011


Absent With Out Leave....

I'm sorry for the silence.... it has been more than two weeks since my last confession!

I'm in a funk due to my old adversary.... constipation!

Can my energy levels get any lower?

I have that horrible bloated feeling.... so I am uncomfortable and grumpy!

My bowels are moving each day.... hurrah!

I have increased my MOVICOL intake from one to two sachets per day.

Looking back through my copious notes.... the last time I changed to my current T4 dose of 137.5mcg I experienced a prolonged period of bowel discomfort.... oh, the joy!

Those fortunates whose digestive transit is a model of efficiency.... oh, the joy!

I'm trying to keep a lid on my renowned sarcasm which can so easily slide into self-pity!

In the background there is genuine good news.... I am holding on to the gains made since starting on VitaminD3!

So when I can say "good riddance" to this period of discomfort I will be ahead of the game!

When I am in one of these "funks" my creative juices dry up and my general enthusiasm for life "goes for a burton"!

Do not fear.... these feelings will pass.... well I bloody well hope so.... no, they will!

I know what I need to do to make long term gains in my personal health and future quality of life.... but I am still learning to surrender to "episodes" like the one I am currently experiencing.... and accept them for what they are.... a "time-out"....

It's no good getting frustrated as this comes hand in hand with negative feelings resulting in the perfectionist part of my personality putting pressure on little ol' me....

At times like these I'm going nowhere fast!

In the immortal words of Liam Gallagher and Oasis'; I'm Outta Time.... you gotta keep on keepin' on....

I hope you enjoyed that offering.... and in the spirit of doing my talking through songs here's Bon Jovi's; Keep The Faith....

I still have faith in myself to make 2011 my year!

For as long as there is hope we have a chance.... yadda yadda....

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Back on point....

Enough of the frothy, "I'm a real person", self-indulgence.... for now!

Time to get back on point.... back on message if you will.... a subject close to my heart.... not literally, at least I hope not!.... my bowels, or more pertinently.... constipation!

How best to describe how I have been feeling?

I thought about Quasimodo; "the bowels, the bowels".... no, not feeling it, then....

Sherlock Holmes; "it's constipation my dear Watson".... but settled for....

Something more expansive.... indulge me.... from Edgar Allan Poe (Wikipedia page) and verses 3 and 4 of the poem The Bells....


Hear my loud alarum bowels-
Brazen bowels!
What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping, higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavour,
Now- now to shit or never,
By the side of the pale-faced moon,
Oh, my bowels, bowels, bowels!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash, and roar!
What a horror they out-pour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!
Yet the ear it fully knows,
By the twanging
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows;
Yet the ear distinctly tells,
In the jangling
And the wrangling,
How the danger stinks and swells,
By the stinking or the swelling in the anger of my bowels-
Of my bowels,
Of my bowels, bowels, bowels, bowels,
Bowels, bowels, bowels-
In the clamour and clangour of my bowels!


Hear the tolling of my bowels-
Iron bowels!
What a world of solemn their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats,
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
And the people- ah, the people-
That they dwell up in the steeple,
All alone,
And who tolling, tolling, tolling,
In that muffled monotone,
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone-
They are neither man nor woman-
They are neither brute nor human-
They are Ghouls:
And their king it is who tolls;
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,
A paean from my bowels!
And his merry bosom swells
With the paean of my bowels!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the paean of my bowels,
Of my bowels-
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of my bowels,
Of my bowels, bowels, bowels-
To the sobbing of my bowels;
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,
To the rolling of my bowels,
Of my bowels, bowels, bowels-
To the tolling of my bowels,
Of my bowels, bowels, bowels, bowels-
Bowels, bowels, bowels,
To the moaning and groaning of my bowels.

I enjoyed that!

If I was so inclined I could keep a blog on the subject of my bowels, and their habits, alone.... but I will spare you that level of detail!

I remember recently in the media it was stated that the subject we are least likely to want to discuss with our doctor is our.... whisper it.... bowels.... me?.... I don't have a problem with it.... life's too short.... I always speak a load of shit anyway!

This is what I will share....

I am learning that three to four weeks after every change to the dosage of my T4 I experience an acute period of constipation.... now this, as anyone who has experienced it, has the uncanny ability of putting one in a real funk!

I feel, among other things.... listless, lethargic, bloated, uncomfortable.... added to the day to day grind of life with Hypothyroidism.... it's nothing short of joyous!

Suffice to say I now have a dreamy, some might say angelic, smile on my face.... and a spring in my step.... phew!

That reminds me, as I rush headlong toward my fortieth birthday.... do not pass go.... do not collect £200.... instead you are entitled to a prostate exam!!!!

That's going to be a good old-fashioned "Mexican standoff" (Wikipedia page) with my Doctor.... happy days.... do I get jelly and ice-cream I wonder?.... it could be the clincher.... NOT clencher!

And on that note....

For as long as there is hope we have a chance.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Giving me the Elbow....

Elbow are a band. A band gifted to me by a friend a couple of weeks ago.

Forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but before everything went tits up at the beginning of 2000, I would have considered myself to be a fan of music. I had a healthy collection and I knew what I liked.

I still know what I like but my collection is a bit under the weather.

Now my friend, I reconnected with on the back of a rather grandiose gesture on facebook. At the beginning of 2010 I declared that I would try to make more of an effort in reconnecting with old friends and to form some sort of social life.

A few friends accepted the olive branch, but it continues to be a slow process, I have been off the radar for more than twelve years now! One thing with this illness is that time has lost it's sense of meaning to me. Twelve years have been and gone, but so little of note has occurred, that it only feels like a couple. But for all of my social group whose journey through life has continued at a "normal" pace twelve years is quite simply that, twelve years! A long time and their lives have moved on.

Like I say, I'm well and truly off of their collective radars!

With a depressive illness like mine I've learnt that things that used to bring me joy failed to have meaning. Very sad. The most precious things to me where joy could no longer be found were listening to music and reading. Cruel.

Slowly during 2010 things started to pick up. Friendships have been reformed and new one's ventured into. I began to read and listen to music again. Reading I still struggle with as my memory is far from being back to anywhere like it used to be! But music can be felt with immediacy as well as leaving a lifelong mark.

This is what has happened with my discovery of the band Elbow, by way of a compilation cd lent to me by my friend. The moment I put it on something altered inside of me, and I knew this music would be a part of my life for ever more. A very special feeling that, beautiful!

For those of you who like a more complete picture, flesh on the bones if you like, please follow the link to the Wikipedia (my new memory!) page for Elbow....

Elbow (Wikipedia page)

From their discography you can see that their first studio album.... Asleep In The Back (Wikipedia page) was released in May 2001, at this time I was in the throes of my nervous breakdown! That's my excuse for them slipping through the net the first time, and I'm sticking with it!

I first became aware of them in my subconscious on the back of their fourth studio album.... The Seldom Seen Kid (Wikipedia page) was released in March 2008. At this time I was beginning the long and arduous journey towards understanding Hypothyroidism, and it's own peculiar impact on my life. They garnered quite a bit of media interest on the back of this release and it's easy to understand why! It culminated in them winning the 2008 Mercury Music Prize (Wikipedia page) a prestigious award. And on the evidence available to me, richly deserved!

I want to hear what they are all about!.... I hear you cry!.... or is it my imagination?

Well as you know, this is the tricky bit, trying to insert YouTube video clips in the interest of a more satisfying blog experience.... I'm just too good to be true.... can't take my eyes off of you.....

Blogger and YouTube need to pull their collective fingers out on this! Those with more accomplished IT skills than me must find the whole thing infuriating.... although I suppose they can design their own websites!.... if only.... I make do with hissy fits.... which I'm good at.... and swearing out loud.... and I'm world class at that!!!!

My first offering to you is the song Grounds For Divorce (a live recording made at the world famous Abbey Road Studios.... of Beatles fame no less!), which just keeps getting better and better each time I hear it!

Next up is the heartwarming and just incredibly uplifting One Day Like This (also from the Abbey Road Studio session).... I dare you not to have a smile on your face after listening to this.... and smiles from me are hard won let me tell you!

This next song Mirrorball is an audio track from YouTube.... hypnotic is the word I'm looking for....

This last track.... I wouldn't want to be accused of overkill now would I?!?!.... Lippy Kids, is an exclusive live performance of the song from the forthcoming album Build A Rocket Boys, released in the UK on 7th March.... treat yourself, because I know I will, and lets enjoy the experience together.... here's a taste.... it's awesome!

Everything I need from a great group of artists.... and there is no doubt that's what they are.... comes together with Elbow. It's hard to find the words to do them justice but the lyricism really strikes a chord with me as do the melodies and overall sound of a group of artists at the top of their game. Three of the four songs included above are live studio recordings that drip with emotion....

I feel very privileged to have been introduced to them properly by my friend this past couple of weeks.... I get it.... and that makes me feel real good!

If you enjoyed this offering it was my pleasure, and I hope you buy the records.... mine are on their way to me as I write.... I had to raid the coin jar to pay for them.... but I can't for the life of me think of anything that provides such fantastic value for money as this music! It feels naughty to only be paying just over £4 for each album on cd from Amazon.... there's something not right there.... but beggars can't be choosers so I am grateful....

If this was not your cup of tea, I'm sorry. That is the beautiful thing about all art mediums.... beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and today I hold it.... but what a boring world we would live in if we all had the same taste!.... I'd be fucked for sure!!!!

I'm not one of these.... oh, that's shit that is, don't know how you can listen to that shit!.... just the tip of the iceberg known as narrow mindedness.... the curse of mankind....

I like many types of art.... equally, there is so much more that I don't get.... or that just doesn't do it for me.... for no rhyme or reason.... whaddya gonna do.... c'est la vie....

Now for the irony.... come on!.... you know I like my irony.... Elbow are playing a small, intimate, warm up gig for their forthcoming UK Arena Tour on the back of Build A Rocket Boys release.... at The Junction in Cambridge.... less than 1,000 capacity.... just down the road from me!

I haven't been to a gig in SO long.... and this is happening soon.... on my doorstep.... that it's no surprise that it's sold out!.... the tickets went on sale the 20th January.... the gig is on the 2nd March.... shit happens!!!!

I can only imagine how good it would be. And what a great fillip it could have been.... I really enjoyed my first trip out to the movies, in more than 12 years, to see The King's Speech.... with the same friend who put me onto Elbow!

What greater way could there be for me to repay his generosity of spirit than to say.... guess what mate, I managed to score a pair of tickets to that Elbow gig.... I love music.... he LOVES music.... don't worry I've thanked him many times already.... so many times in fact that he is no doubt worrying about my state of mind!

There.... I've done it!.... a post that is about more than my battle with Hypothyroidism.... it has felt good to share with you, and put this type of post in the rotation.... a more upbeat, positive vibe that reflects the fact that I'm holding on to the gains made since introducing VitaminD3....

At long last.... and not a moment too soon.... I now know my arse from my Elbow!.... boom, boom!

For as long as there is hope we have a chance....

Friday, 28 January 2011

A piece of the jigsaw....

.... yes, it's definitely a piece..... I'm sure of it now.... which piece I don't know.... I guess that's why it's called a jigsaw puzzle....

The analogy's.... not the word I'm looking for.... but anyway, they are endless.... watch me run with it....

I hoping it's a piece to a child's jigsaw puzzle.... made out of wood.... you know the sort, with about a dozen pieces!

Being a glass half empty kind of guy I'm expecting it to be a piece from one of those arty type jigsaws.... of 10,000 pieces.... for crying out loud!.... probably a picture of clouds in the sky or something.... you know, very near impossible to complete!

In all honesty.... it's much more likely to be closer to the child's version.... otherwise what hope (that word hope again!) is there of ever completing it?!?!

Get to the point!.... ok, ok!.... you've probably guessed by know.... the piece of the jigsaw puzzle I'm referring to is.... VitaminD3.... nothing more, nothing less!


For me anyway!

Here's another shameless plug for the VitaminD3 supplement I'm taking.... available worldwide....

I'm guilty of nothing more than wanting to share the love....

It's now been 3 weeks since I started this new regime.... and although the initial euphoria has settled down.... there is no denying progress has been made!


Hallelujah is in fact an incredible song, written by Leonard Cohen.... However, my favourite version is by Jeff Buckley.... which I will share with you now.... because I'm good like that....

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)

All in the interests of making this blog a more interactive experience.... and having mastered (careful!) the art of including video clips.... yay!.... did you enjoy that?


Anyway, back to the VitaminD3, I'm contemplating increasing my dosage from the current level of two tablets (2,000iu) to three tablets (3,000iu.... d'oh!). I have been taking these after my breakfast each day as I read that they are absorbed better with fats in the stomach.... the milk with my cereal.... Rice Krispies at the moment if you must know!

Longer term I anticipate taking four tablets (you do the math!) or even five, during the winter months, and three tablets per day the rest of the time. We'll see next winter....

One of the best things during the past three weeks is settling into a comfortable daily pattern.... up at six or seven, bed at ten or eleven.... this is a luxury for me and long may it continue.... this has always been one of the greatest stumbling blocks for me.... I can't tell you (well I've tried!) how much this affects my general mood. So a regular daily pattern is a big deal for me.

I am still, and will always be, eternally grateful for all the positive feedback I've received since "the video".... is this to be my legacy?.... I like to freshen things up a little.... not the celebrity way for me.... sex tapes are SO last year!!!!  hehe....

Another benefit these past few weeks has been the reawakening of my love for music and reading.... which I'll share more in future posts.... I know, I keep promising, but I will get there. When I'm in a funk the last thing I want to do is listen to music.... let alone have the concentration levels required to read a book.

The only people not happy with this progress are my neighbours!.... I've been a bit too enthusiastic with the volume.... but I've adjusted the levels to be neighbourly.

I'll post again soon..... keep the hope alive....