Friday 30 July 2010

Back from the brink....

....of extinction?

When you have been poorly for as long as I have would it surprise you to learn that I find the prospect of getting "well" a little scary?

I have been witness to too many false dawns.

The reason I mention this is that the talk of adrenal fatigue and supplementing my T4 with T3 has got me, among other things; excited, hopeful, frightened, terrified, optimistic, tearful, daring to dream and seeing the possibility of an improved quality of life.

This is shaping up to be as big a discovery as realising I was displaying symptoms of hyperthyroidism in December 2005! Those who follow this blog (thank you, thank you, thank you) will know what a significant moment that was!

It's times like these; ooh, ooh, Foo Fighters song! Chorus:

It's times like these you learn to live again 
It's times like these you give and give again 
It's times like these you learn to love again 
It's times like these time and time again 

How appropriate! Good tune!

Anyway, as I was saying, it's times like these that I wish I lived next door to Mary. (Whether Mary would think this is such a good idea is another matter! Ha, ha, ha!) Then I could go round, have a civilised cup of tea and a chat. I am new to this "virtual" world so my etiquette might leave a little bit to be desired. So many questions, so little time!

I have to go to the well one more time!

I must be fully prepared when I next go to see my doctor. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! Why am I such a pessimist? I might make my little speech and my doctor respond; "you know what Robert? I was thinking the same thing. Let's get on top of this once and for all and get you well!" Yeah, right!

That crashing sound you just heard was me falling off my chair in the doctor's office!

I am expecting a less than positive response and that is making the prospect of my next appointment a little daunting. My assertiveness abandoned the sinking ship many moons ago! Along with confidence and positivity!

The reality of my next appointment will be somewhere in between I am sure. Unfortunately my current and future doctors are paying for the sins of the family doctor I had had since I was born and who laughed in my face!

The irony is that I am also paying the price! Ain't that just a kick in the balls!

Anyway, I'm on night shift at the moment (awake at night, asleep during the day) so it will probably be the week after next before I can get to see my doctor, It's not like I have any thinking to do is it?

All in all this blogging game has been a huge positive!

Thank you, Robert.

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